The world of work has changed dramatically, not least the long-term move to hybrid and flexible working.
But what does this mean for apprenticeship providers? What impact does this have on what you offer to employers and how your deliver it?
In this free webinar, apprenticeships, L&D and digital specialists Erica Farmer and Hayley Bird will help you work through some big questions:
- What is the future of work and skills looking like?
- What will our employers and learners demand from us?
- What are the opportunities and challenges for apprenticeship providers?
- What impact does this have on our offer to employers and how we deliver it?
Join us on Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 0930am – 10.15am.
Due to the interactive nature of this webinar we’d recommend you attend live. However, if you can’t make the date / time register and we’ll send you the recording.
Facilitators and speakers
As Director of Quantum Rise and an SDN Senior Associate, Erica Farmer has over 20 years’ experience of designing and delivering apprenticeships and L&D for the likes of Working Links, LV, British Gas, Specsavers and Virgin Care. Erica specialises in digital learning and innovation and sits on a number of leading apprenticeship provider Boards supporting the creation of sustainable digital strategies.
Hayley Bird is the Co-Founder and Delivery Director of Quantum Rise Talent Group and has 10 years in employability and corporate learning and development. Hayley was the director of HMB Learning Solutions, a successful digital learning consultancy and has now partnered with Erica to launch Quantum Rise.
Why an SDN webinar
SDN works with partners, such as Quantum Rise to bring together top-quality specialists to support the FE and skills sector. We’ve worked with 1,000 training providers and over 5,000 practitioners over the last few years – allowing us to share practical insights and support you to take action.