As it stands, all Apprenticeship delivery will be based on new Standards and Assessment Plans by 2017. Changes to assessment are significant and will impact on delivery planning – starting now – so it’s important that providers start to prepare now.
As covered in SDN’s recent free ‘Coffee Break’ webinar (recording and slides below), all assessment for the award of the Apprenticeship certificate will be carried out at the very end of the Apprenticeship (end-point assessment) by an independent assessment organisation. Providers will deliver the on-programme training for the apprentice, working with the employer to make sure the apprentice has gained the qualifications, training and achievements required to be able to attempt the end-point assessment (the gateway).
Here are four ways training providers can start to prepare for the new assessment regime now:
1. Become familiar with some of the new terms that are being used in many Standards and Assessment Plans:
- ‘Assessor’ – now taken to be the independent assessor who administers and grades the end-point assessment
- ‘Trainer’ – the on-programme delivery provider
- ‘On-programme’ – the training period. This may include assessments, but these do not form part of the final Apprenticeship assessment unless specifically referenced in the Assessment Plan
- ‘Gateway’ – the suite of qualifications, training and achievement required to permit a candidate to attempt the end-point assessment
2. Become familiar with the requirements of the on-programme phase
Look at the relevant Standards and Assessment Plans. What are the required knowledge, skills and behaviours that will be assessed at the end-point? What are the mandatory skills and qualifications that prepare the apprentice for the end-point and ensure successful entry through the gateway? This will allow you to prioritise your curriculum and develop an effective learning plan.
3. Research, develop and share resources to prepare for the end-point assessment
Very few resources are currently available to support training providers prepare their learners for end-point assessment. Some Trailblazer groups are developing guidance and handbooks – research these and develop them. Where there aren’t any, consider developing resources of your own (or as a group of providers) – some Trailblazer groups are open to working with providers on this. This might include, for example, practicing assessments, setting scenarios and interview preparation.
4. Support employers with their new role as “guardians of the gateway”
Employers will put their apprentices forward, both for training and the end-point assessment. These employers will need support and guidance from you in two main areas – developing an agreed delivery plan for the apprentice, and guidance on what is required for an apprentice to meet the gateway requirements. It’s important that the apprentice is put through the gateway once they are at a sufficient level to achieve the end-point assessment.
SDN held a free ‘Coffee Break’ webinar on 3rd December, giving more detail on Apprenticeship Assessment and its implication for training providers (all information is accurate as of this date). Both the recording and slides can be found below.
SDN have been working very closely with employer groups developing Apprenticeship Standards since their inception and so we have a leading-edge insight into their expectations of delivery. Along with this, we have already conducted tailored support for over 50 training providers across England, helping them to prepare for the reforms (with 100% satisfaction).
If you need support to help prepare for the Apprenticeship reforms (as an organisation or personally), then do get in touch. A flyer containing further information and contact details can be found below.
How SDN can help: Apprenticeship Assessment – how SDN can help
Slides: Slides – SDN Coffee Break Webinar (Apprenticeship Assessment)
Questions & Answers: (not answered on the webinar) Q&A – SDN Coffee Break webinar (Apprenticeship Assessment)
Webinar recording: