Navigating through our current national emergency presents us all with extraordinary and unprecedented challenges. It will take time to adjust and understand what it means for us personally, for our roles, our learners and our organisations.
Here is a short update on our immediate plans.
Our current services
We will be offering a webinar programme over the next few months, and all face-to-face events and consultancy assignments will be brought online. We’ll keep you updated with the schedule of webinars and online workshops.
Supporting each other
SDN has been working online as a team and offering online CPD for the sector for over 10 years. If there is any informal advice or support that we can give you or your organisation as you look at ways to operate virtually, do get in touch – we are here to help in whatever way we can.
Working with our partners at Mesma and others, we will be hosting regular (free) CPD sessions to help you move your delivery online, give you chance to link with colleagues across the sector, share experiences and support each other. If you’d like to join our mailing list for these, you can sign-up here.
Access to our CPD library – discount
We’ve had lots of providers get in touch, asking about the most cost effective way their staff, who are working from home, can access our CPD webinar library.
We know how important this is and want to make sure the library is as accessible as possible, so – until the end of May 2020 – we’ve applied a 60% discount for anyone (or any team / organisation) that wants to access the full library.
The library includes 25-hours of recorded webinar training, along with workbooks, slides, tools and templates, covering practical topics such as:
- What does your role as a trainer-assessor look like for apprenticeship standards?
- Developing your curriculum, schemes of work and ILPs for standards
- How do you develop and assess the ‘behaviours’ of apprentices on standards?
- How to monitor the progress of apprentices on standards
- Preparing for your changing role as an IQA
If you’d like to know more, you can find the details here
If there is any other support we can provide during this difficult time, do please get in contact.