A major practitioner-led programme is being launched today, investigating the fundamental shift in teaching, learning and assessment in the context of new apprenticeship standards.
Funded by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF), the programme is an opportunity for practitioners to explore, understand and share what outstanding looks like in the new approach to apprenticeships.
Julie Gibbings, Head of Teaching, Learning and Assessment at the ETF, said:
“The introduction of apprenticeship standards, end-point assessment and the new funding regime will require a significant shift in the way teaching, learning and assessment is approached in future. The role of the trainer and assessor is changing, employers are taking a greater lead in the design and delivery of apprenticeships, and the focus is now on achieving competence rather than qualifications.”
“The grants being made available through this programme will give practitioners the vital space they need to explore particular changes to their practice, and establish what outstanding looks like.”
The programme, overseen by the Strategic Development Network (SDN), will commission 10 grant-funded collaborative projects, focusing on areas of practice that sit under the following themes:
- Collaborative approaches to teaching/training, learning and assessment between providers and employers
- Curriculum development based on the new standards
- Monitoring and assessing the progress of the apprentice
- Outstanding technical pedagogy in apprenticeship delivery
The full prospectus and grant application process will go live on Monday, 2nd April.
Two Briefing and Networking events will be hosted on 9th (London) and 10th April (Leeds), open to anyone interested in running (or being involved in) a collaborative project. The events will give an overview of the programme / grant application process, the kind of projects ETF are looking for, and provide space for delegates to network and explore potential collaborative project ideas together. Register here – London or Leeds
ETF are looking for a wide variety of apprenticeship providers and practitioners to be involved – in particular, those already delivery apprenticeship standards.
Each project group will consist of at least 10 practitioners from a range of apprenticeship provider types and/or end-point assessment organisations. Projects will take place between May 2018 and January 2019 and each one will be assigned a mentor to guide them through the research process. The research questions and methods set by each group will be precise and robust, leading to practical outputs that can be shared with the wider sector (including case studies, guidance, tools, etc.)
Colin Bentwood, Managing Director of SDN (and Programme Director), said:
“This programme is a great opportunity for practitioners to step back from their day-job and really explore what their role and practice will look like in future. Ultimately, the programme will start to establish what outstanding teaching, learning and assessment looks like for apprenticeship standards, and will help practitioners across the sector to change, adapt and improve their practice for the benefit of apprentices and employers in the years ahead.”
Press contact: Tim Chewter E: tim@strategicdevelopmentnetwork.co.uk T: 07495 345 59
Notes to editors
The Education and Training Foundation
The ETF is the government-backed, sector-owned national workforce and professional development body for the Further Education (FE) and Training sector. Its role is to support the continuing transformation of the technical and vocational education system by ensuring the sector has world-class leaders, teachers and trainers. This leads to ever-improving learner outcomes, a better skilled workforce for employers and a stronger economy, country and society.
We do this by improving, driving and championing the quality of leadership, teaching and training through four key pillars:
- Setting professional standards, running the sector’s professional membership body (Society for Education and Training and for awarding practitioners with QTLS and ATS
- Supporting sector change
- Leading workforce development for leaders, governors and practitioners
- Providing key workforce data and research
Strategic Development Network (SDN)
The Strategic Development Network (SDN) team specialises in FE, HE and apprenticeships, supporting training and education organisations to grow, adapt and improve their provision. SDN has worked closely with 80 employer trailblazer groups and supported over 900 apprenticeship organisations and 3,000 staff to prepare to deliver apprenticeship standards and end-point assessment. In addition to programme management, SDN provides events / training, resources, consultancy and research.