SDN has developed self-assessment tools to help organisations and individuals who will deliver T Levels assess their readiness. The tools are now available on the Education and Training Foundation’s (ETF’s) Foundation Online Learning website.
These self-assessment tools will help providers consider what is ahead, identify priorities, and plan for the introduction of T Levels from September 2020.
They are being made available as part of the Department for Education-funded ETF T Level Professional Development (TLPD) offer.

The practitioner tool
The practitioner tool poses questions about the areas staff will need to understand in order to successfully deliver T Levels including pedagogy, professional knowledge and assessment. Users can make notes on the tool as they answer the questions to develop an action plan to boost their readiness. Their results will also inform an assessment of strengths and areas for improvement, generating advice on next steps and signposting the user to online and face-to-face CPD across the other strands of the TLPD offer as it becomes available.
The organisation tool
The organisational tool is comprised of two parts; the first is aimed at those with an overview of their organisation, while the second focuses on readiness to deliver routes and pathways and is aimed at department heads or curriculum managers. It looks at whether necessary systems and processes are in place, workforce development, planning the curriculum and employer engagement. Like the practitioner tool, it offers an assessment of current readiness and signposts to other elements of the TLPD offer that could be useful.
Start using the tools for free
Both tools are available to both those who will be delivering T Levels in 2020 and in later years. There is no charge to use the tools, but users must be logged in to Foundation Online Learning to access them.

Screenshot of ETF's T Level Practitioner Self-Assessment Tool