Many providers underclaim the funding available for additional learning support in Apprenticeships and Adult Education Budget programmes, often due to lacking confidence in collecting the right evidence.
We have made available a base evidence pack that allows the provider to have confidence in the base design of their evidence. These forms and templates, developed by David Lockhart-Hawkins, have been designed to help you underpin a learning support claim through a robust format of needs assessment and support plan. Forms are supplied with guidance notes and can be purchase individually, or as a batch, below.
SDN can also help with system design and training for staff, to help your delivery teams implement an effective evidence system. Do contact us for more information.
If you’re a customer with our friends over at Cognassist, drop them a line to access a 20% discount code on the batch price.
Forms / Templates
a1b – Needs Assessment Summary
Critical when claiming learning support funding this template follows from a provider’s identification of potential learning difficulty or disability and outlines the impact of the needs identified on the specific learning programme, outlining the adjustments planned
Price: £195 + VAT
a1c – Learning Support Plan
Critical when claiming learning support funding this template follows the needs assessment summary and defines the planned adjustments including scheduling and other arrangements as well as agreement to the plan
Price: £195 + VAT
a9 – Learning Support Review Form
Critical when claiming learning support funding this template allows evaluation of the effectiveness of support strategy and control of a continued funding claim
Price: £95 + VAT
a8 – On Programme Support Request Form
A template to use for triggering requests for formal needs assessment if needs are identified after enrolment
Price: £45 + VAT
a10 – LLDD Maths and English Exemption Assessment Summary
A summary template to confirm exceptions to the regular English and Maths minimum requirements, for people with special educational needs, learning difficulties or disabilities. This is critical where a provider applies functional skill exemptions due to the learning difficulty / disability of an individual
Price: £195 + VAT
Batch Price – to include all the above
Price: £595 + VAT
To keep costs down, payment for the tools must be made online via credit card (book below). If you are a Local Authority, and unable to book via card, please email us on: hello@strategicdevelopmentnetwork.co.uk
Terms and Conditions
- The templates and prices above are for government-funded apprenticeship and AEB providers. If you are a different organisation with an interest in purchasing these resources, do contact us for more information
- Each form is designed to fulfil the ESFA funding rules at the time of sale however it is only appropriate implementation of the documents that will comply with funding rules
- No liability is accepted for adverse interpretation by any funding body due to the above
- Funding rules may be updated, we do not bare responsibility for advising of updates
- Updated versions of forms are available at further discount to the provider
Any questions, please email the SDN team: hello@strategicdevelopmentnetwork.co.uk