A large-scale programme, funded by the Department for Education and commissioned by the Education and Training Foundation, is today being launched to improve capacity to deliver independent end-point assessment in apprenticeships.
The programme, co-managed by AELP and SDN, will substantially increase the number of Apprenticeship Assessment Organisations (AAOs) and begin to create and prepare a critical mass of end-point assessors.
Alison Morris, Head of TVET at the Foundation, said:
“The introduction of independent end-point assessment is a substantial change to apprenticeships. Organisations and individuals will need to develop their capacity, knowledge, skills and resources to deliver end-point assessment successfully. This programme has been designed to meet that need – supporting individuals to develop to become end-point assessors; and leaders / managers to develop their organisations to deliver end-point assessment.”
Activity will start in November, with 15 workshop packages across the country to help organisations understand the opportunities and decide on their role in end-point assessment. This will be followed by workshop packages to help organisations become an approved AAO and prepare the ground to start offering end-point assessment.
The first phase of the programme will also establish eight industry-focused Professional Dialogue Groups to explore the knowledge, skills and resources required by end-point assessors. The intelligence gleaned from the groups will underpin guidance and materials for end-point assessors and will inform a programme of support due to be rolled out in 2017.
The programme brings together a broad consortium of partners reflecting the emerging end-point assessment market, including the Association of Colleges (AoC), 157 Group, HOLEX, the Federation of Industry Sector Skills and Standards (FISSS), the University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC), the Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB), the Learning and Work Institute (L&W), City & Guilds and Cambridge Assessment. The consortium will form an expert Reference Group to advise on programme activities and content, ensuring the programme is relevant to all potential AAOs and staff.
Mike Cox, Programme Director at AELP, said:
“We’re at a critical juncture in the apprenticeship reforms – an increasing number of apprentices are starting on the new standards, and frameworks are starting to be switched off. It is clear that significant end-point assessment capacity is required. The programme will help to drive this forward, ensuring high-quality AAOs are in place to meet demand and help secure the success of future apprenticeships.”
Colin Bentwood, Programme Manager at SDN, said:
“Our consortium has been at the forefront of the apprenticeship reforms since their inception. We’ve supported trailblazer employer groups to develop many of the published assessment plans, and understand what’s required of organisations and assessors to deliver end-point assessment successfully. Assessment experts will be deployed on the programme to support all organisations interested in delivering end-point assessment, whether current apprenticeship providers, awarding organisations, employers, universities, professional bodies or other independent organisations and individuals.”
Interested organisations can book onto the first ‘Apprenticeship end-point assessment – deciding on your organisation’s involvement’ workshop packages here.
More information about the programme can be found on the Future Apprenticeships portal.
Press contact: Tim Chewter E: tim@strategicdevelopmentnetwork.co.uk T: 07495 345 591
Notes to editors
The Education and Training Foundation
The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) was launched in 2013, following a sector wide consultation during spring 2013, and is focused on enhancing professionalism and standards in the education and skills sector. The Foundation’s vision and aspiration is for all learning to be of the highest quality, achieve the best outcomes, and result in the greatest impact for all the learners, providers, and the wider communities they serve.
Association of Employment and Learning Providers
The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) is the leading trade association for vocational learning and employment providers in Britain. The majority of its 800+ members are independent private, not-for-profit and voluntary sector training and employment services organisations. Membership is open to any provider committed to quality provision and it includes over 40 FE colleges involved in work based learning.
Strategic Development Network
The Strategic Development Network (SDN) brings together specialist from across the FE and skills system. SDN has been working closely with trailblazer employer groups developing many of the new apprenticeship standards and assessment plans and has a leading-edge insight into their expectations of delivery. SDN has also delivered large-scale support programmes for apprenticeship providers and employers, and in recent years has supported the sector with higher apprenticeships, traineeships and Loans. SDN provides services in programme management, events, consultancy, tools/resources and research.