Protocol and the Strategic Development Network (SDN) have teamed up to offer a new recruitment, training and deployment service – designed specifically to help address the shortage and growing need for quality, qualified end-point assessors.
It’s no secret that over the next 12-18 months, the number of end-point assessments is going to increase dramatically. The assessment landscape is already very different and high-stakes; end-point assessors will need to have occupational and assessment creditability, and many EPAOs are worried demand will quickly outstrip supply.
“It would stand to reason, that the only real way to try to avoid a crisis is to start thinking about your future EPA needs now. We’re seeing lots of EPAOs working hard to keep on top of current supply needs, but the cracks are already starting to show, and that’s just for the standards that are up and running”. comments Beth Curtis, Head of Business Development & Strategy
This new combined recruitment and training initiative from SDN and Protocol, has the potential to significantly impact and future proof many EPAO’s delivery plans.
SDN and Protocol recognise that one size doesn’t fit all. Both the recruitment of candidates and CPD training will be completely tailored to the individual EPAO, their ways of working, and the apprenticeship standards they assess.
“Together we have a unique insight into the way EPAOs operate and the requirements of end-point assessors. Protocol are already working with a number of leading EPAOs to supply assessors, whilst SDN has trained and mentored many of the first assessor teams now conducting end-point assessment.” added Colin Bentwood, Managing Director at SDN
Together, SDN and Protocol work with over 60 EPAOs and draw on a national network of more than 6,000 end-point and vocational assessors.
EPAOs, and indeed assessors, wanting to find out more about this service can contact Tim Chewter (SDN) and Jo Jagiello (Protocol) for more details:
Tim Chewter – tim@strategicdevelopmentnetwork.co.uk)
Jo Jagiello – jjagiello@protocol.co.uk