We’ve really valued your support and interest in our content over, what has been, a very challenging year for everyone.
As a thank you, we wanted to share a some free CPD webinars and insights with you, to help you plan your provision and prepare for 2021.
Resources to help you deliver great apprenticeships in 2021
How can you best engage your learners online
Led by our friends over at Mesma and Psych-Logical, this extended session shares some great insights and techniques to help you establish rapport and create relationships with your students online… Watch the session here
Preparing apprentices for end-point assessment – the EPAO and provider view
End-point assessment is, in many cases, still quite new for both training providers and EPAOs. Having a mutual understanding of gateway requirements and the EPA process is essential. We interviewed an EPAO and provider to get their perspectives from either side of the gateway… Watch here
Adapting your training to meet the changing workforce needs of employers
The UK’s workforce has experienced radical changes this year. The kind of skills employers were looking for last year are, in many cases, very different from what they need now. In this session, our brilliant Senior Associate Anna Sutton sets out how you can adapt your offer and delivery plans to meet the needs of employers… Watch here
CPD webinar library
With over 45-hrs of practical CPD and tools – from initial assessment and end-point assessment, to compliance and on-programme training – our CPD library is a significant resource for you and your teams to draw on.
Coming up…
3 part series: Supporting your apprentices with additional learning support needs – training, assessment and compliance
Starting from Tuesday 16 February at 10am -12pm
Two-part workshop: Preparing for Ofsted inspections as an HEI
Wednesday 24 February 2021 (9.30am-12.45pm) and Wednesday 10 March 2021 (1pm-4.15pm)
Webinar: Masterclass in apprenticeship curriculum design
Thursday 4 March, 1pm-4.30pm.
2-part webinar series: Monitoring the progress of your apprentices on standards
Wednesday, 17 March (2.30-3.30pm) and Tuesday 23 March (10.30-11.30am)
Webinar: The Prevent Duty – insights and effective practice for FE and skills providers
Thursday 18 March 2021 at 2.00-3.00pm
Level 3 Award: Undertaking End-Point Assessment – online course
Course starts in January – with the mandatory assessment days taking place in February & March 2021 (Join waiting list)
2hr online workshop: Integrating and Promoting Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) and British values in apprenticeships
Tuesday 13 April 2021 at 2pm-4pm